Wednesday, 6 April 2011


We found the soundtrack to our music on YouTube. The soundtrack appears to be fan-made, and we researched it to check that it was not copyrighted. Once we were sure that we were not breaching copyright laws, we used GarageBand to convert the video into an mp3 format so that we could use it as a soundtrack to put over the top of our film. It worked extremey effectively with our opening sequence, as it used a range of instruments (mainly piano), to create a high level of tension in the audience. The msuci is very typical of the horror genre, as it puts the audience on edge. It allows the spectator of our film to imediately see that it belongs in the horror genrand that the antogonist will be partiuclarly horrific and evil.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Foley Sound

Foley sound is the creation of your own sound. Foley sound is used in many major films and television shows, as sounds have to fit the action that audiences see on screen to ensure that the visuals are believable. An example of this would be, if a man is walking down a street then the audience would expect footsteps to be audible. This will create a sense realism to the audience. Foley sound will not be a large aspect of our film, as we are having voice-overs and quite music for most of it, but we do need to consider this in our film.

To make our film authentic we will have to take foley sound into consideration. We will be creating some of our own sounds, which will include rain, footsteps, a door slamming, a door creaking (undecided), the sound of a radio out of tune and many more. To do this we will record each of these sounds individually and then simply delete the video footage. To get the sound of rain pouring down a window we will use a hose-pipe and a window and record the sound. We will repeat the process of this with all of our other objects. This will make our film seem credible, and give it a sense of professionalism.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Unearthly Productions Information

Unearthly Productions is our company which we have made up to produce our film. The logo of this company will appear at the start of our opening, fading out slowly into the first shot. The logo of our production company itself gives information away about what kind of films the company will be producing, using an eye to make the audience feel uncomfortable, and a Gothic font giving off the impression that the films they make will be quite gritty and disturbing. The company will produce independent films,as they offer a certain experience to a more specilist, niche audience.

Unearthly Productions produce fairly gritty films, which are hard for the viewer to watch. Genres which Unearthly Productions are likely to produce are: horror, thriller, phsychological horror, slasher. All films that Unearthly Productions produce will offer the audience quite a scary experience, making the audience be scared through both suggestion and blatant violent imagery, although in our film we are making the fear is more in human suggestion. Similar films to ours include: Saw, Final Destination and Friday the 13th, all of which use a mix of graphic violence and disturbing imagery.

Two examples of independent film company logos are shown below. They are both of a quite a simplistic design, which means that the film companies are both quite likely to make serious, hard-hitting films, as opposed to children's films.