Friday 21 January 2011

Timeline for Branded

Above is the timeline for 'Branded'. I felt that we needed to have a strict timeline of events in our film for it to be successful and look professional.


This our first attempt at a storyboard of our film. It includes the basic shots that we will be using, yet this may change over the course of time.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Costume- David Laverick

Grey Hooded Jacket.The colour of the jacket, grey, represents Laverick's personality; quite worn down and unhappy. We have changed our mind about using the hood in our film as we feel that this is too cliche to use again.

Dark Blue Jeans.
The fact that Laverick is wearing jeans reminds us that he is still a normal, and quite young, man, who lives and embraces the modern era.

Dirty Trainers.
Laverick's trainers are slightly covered in mud as it shows that he is constantly going out and commiting murder, never stopping until his revenge is forfilled. The fact that he is wearing trainers, again, reminds us that he is still a young man.

Fingerless Green Gloves.Laverick wears these as it shows he goes out to commit his crimes in all different kinds of weather.

Friday 14 January 2011

How to create an animatic

1. Draw storyboard frames- nice and bold, black pen if possible
2. Take individual photos of each frame
3. Upload the photos to the computer
4. Import the photos into the edit programme
5. Drop each image onto the timeline and cut to the required length
6. Put music or other sound on the audio timeline
7. Add titles or effects/transitions as required
8. Export to quicktime and upload to youtube or vimeo
9. Embed the video onto the blog or save it to a CD

Monday 10 January 2011

Time of opening credits for Final Destination 3

Final Destination 3 Opening Credits Timeline.

00:00-00:05: Production Logo appears and fades out.
00:05-00:10: Second Production Logo appears and fades out.
00:10-00:14: Shot of fairground ride.
00:14-00:18: Mid-shot of mechanical fortune teller.
00:18-00:21: Shot of cards, whilst the words 'Final Destination 3' appear on screen.
00:25-02:05: Names of actors/other members that went into the film appear. Each appears on screen for roughly four seconds each.

The opening of Final Destination 3 uses a quick blend of images and text to create a fairly quick yet effective opening.

Film Ratings

UniversalFilms which are rated as being Universal are suitable for everyone to watch and enjoy. However, it is advised that only children aged over the age of four watch Universal rated films, due to children being quite unpredictable as to what upsets them. Universal films are typically films like 'The Little Mermaid' and 'Beauty and the Beast'.

PG (Parental Guidance)
Parental Guidance is for general viewing of films. Children of any age can watch a PG film without an adult's accompanment, although guidance is to be adviced if the child is young or sensitive. PG films are generally for children aimed eight years of age or older.

No-one under the age of 12 years of age may rent or buy a '12' rated video work.


12AThis certificate is given when the work at hand is only suitable for those aged twelve years and over. 12A applies for films in the cinema: no-one under twelve years of age may see a 12A film unless accomplied by an adult in the cinema.

No-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.

No-one younger than 18 may see a ‘18’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy a ‘18’ rated video work.

We have decided that our film will be rated as '18', as it will contain alot of gore, violence and tension throughout. This will mean that this film will only be suitable to adults, due to it's gritty and atmospheric effect. This type of film will appeal to certain people, above the age of 18.

Character Information: David Laverick

Laverick is the main character of our film, and below is some background information about him.

Name: David Joseph Laverick
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Personality: Laverick was also considered quite a reclusive person, occasionally being an outcast from the rest of society. However, he also did try to make the effort to socialize and be an iconic social icon. With the death of his wife Emma and his children, Laverick's personality changed dramatically, making him a complete outcast from society, never going out, unless it is to murder. Instead he resides within his workhouse, plotting murders.
Background: Laverick started off as an average working class person but he soon became a successful entrepreneur. He worked his way up to gain everything that he owned, including his mansion. Laverick first met his future wife, Emma, when he was doing his door-to-door sales. Emma stuck with Laverick as he worked his way up to be a successful business-man, both of them madly in love with each other. For quite a while, Laverick was at a good point in his life. He had lots of money, a large house and a loving family. This is all changed by once single event: the arson attack on Laverick Manor. The fire kills Emma and their two children, leaving Laverick beside himself with both guilt and mourning. Laverick then decides to find and take revenge upon the arsonists, in a brutal way, first by slicing their necks, and then by branding them with a symbol of fire.
Inspiration: Bruce Wayne (Batman). The character of Bruce Wayne is inspiration to us as he is a character who's life is changed dramatically through one dramatic event (the murder of his parents). This murder convinces Bruce to take revenge upon the low-life thugs of Gotham City. The motives of Bruce Wayne and Laverick are similar, as Laverick is also trying to take revenge on the thugs that turned his life upside down and killed his loved ones.

The image above is similar to that of our Branded film. This is because in the opening sequence, and, indeed, most of the film, you do not actually get to see who Laverick it or what he looks like. This creates a sense of mystery and enigma. This technique will particularly be used in the opening sequence of our film. We will show some aspects of David, like his fingernails, or the back of his head, but only certain areas of his body. This will add enigma and mystery to the character and will keep audience's interested, which is something which our audience research suggested that we should do.

Branded Script- FIRST IDEA

Branded Script
The first shot is a shot of rain pouring down a barred window, with lightning flashing.
The rain creates a gloomy effect by using pathetic fallacy.
The camera then pans across to depict newspaper cuttings on the wall.
One reads; "Laverick's wife and children die in horrific mansion fire." and another; "David Cameron lets Laverick arsonists walk free." These newspaper cuttings provide an insight into the background of the character of Laverick, and gives a clue as to his motives later in the film.
After showing different newspaper cuttings the camera then shows the audience pictures of people looking happy, some with a red cross through. Images then flash up on the screen showing bloody, dead bodies, which then cut back to the crossed out images. This intercutting makes the audience feel nervous, by using a dramatic effect of both editing and sound. All of the images of these photos will be in a close-up.
The next shot is one of a mirror, covered in blood and dirt. This shows that the workhouse that Laverick resides in is quite dirty and run down, yet he still chooses to remain here, isolated from society.
he door opens, with dull light pouring in from behind him. You only get to see his boots. A high angle shot then follows, the camera on the floor, following Laverick as he walks across the workshop. You only get to see Laverick's boots and legs as he walks, which again does not reveal much about the character.
In the next shot, Laverick stands to the right of the frame and picks up a long, sharp knife that glistens in the light.
The camera pans over to his workshop in a high angle, showing Laverick rearranging his tools on the desk. You do not get to see Laverick's face as he has his hood up, this gives a sense of mystery to the scene as you cannot see his facial expression or emotions.
The next shot is a close of Laverick holding the knife, twisting and turning it in the light before eventually wiping the blood off it. This shot strikes fear into the viewer as it shows the lengths he will go to to get revenge. The next shot shows Laverick taking a pen out of his pocket, slowly walking over to the pictures of people on the wall and crossing two lines through it, showing that he has killed them. Then, under this image, the title of the film 'Branded' appears.