Sunday 16 January 2011

Costume- David Laverick

Grey Hooded Jacket.The colour of the jacket, grey, represents Laverick's personality; quite worn down and unhappy. We have changed our mind about using the hood in our film as we feel that this is too cliche to use again.

Dark Blue Jeans.
The fact that Laverick is wearing jeans reminds us that he is still a normal, and quite young, man, who lives and embraces the modern era.

Dirty Trainers.
Laverick's trainers are slightly covered in mud as it shows that he is constantly going out and commiting murder, never stopping until his revenge is forfilled. The fact that he is wearing trainers, again, reminds us that he is still a young man.

Fingerless Green Gloves.Laverick wears these as it shows he goes out to commit his crimes in all different kinds of weather.

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