Friday, 11 February 2011

Filming our Media Project.

For the most part, filming our media film was fairly easy, as we got all of the required shots which were needed, and all of the timing was correct.
However, when filming certain shots we noticed errors in them. This meant that we had to reshoot certain scenes, which then in turn, made the lightning inconsistent.
Another issue that we encountered when filming is that in some shots shadows are to be seen over what we are filming. This was unnoticable on the camera display, yet is shown clearly when uploaded onto the computer to edit.

When we reshoot our film I will ensure that we utalise all of the unused space, and consider more carefully as to the mise-en-scene and set design of each shot.
Also, next time will we use a tripod when filming. Although that we wanted to use a shaky camera to convey distortion, this effect was over-used, so we need to make sure that we make the camera more steady whilst filming.

Things that went well whilst filming was how, in some of the shots, we used lighting to create shadows. The shadows convey a mysterious, and perhaps vulnerable side of Laverick.
The location we chose to film in was extremely effective, as it creates an ominous atmosphere. We ensured that in alot of the shots that the background of the workshop are hidden, giving a mysterious element to the location. Cinematography was good, as we used a mix of different shots to convey meaning. Props were implemented well, we used a mixture of saws, knives, blood and more which shows the violent side of Laverick's personality. We will be sure to keep all of the elements that went well when we re-shoot our film.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Weather Forecast

This is the weather forecast for our filming on Friday. Ideally, we wanted it to be quite overcast and rain, thus to set the scene of our film. Also, we wanted a particular scene in our film to be a shot of rain pouring down a barred window. It appears that this cannot be done naturally, so we shall have to do this ourselves by using a hose-pipe instead. To make the scenes seem overcast we will use lighting effects on Premiere to give the illusion of darkness.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Above is the questionnaire which I handed out to numerous people. This was to help us when creating our film to see what kind of people would want to see it. Here are the results:

What gender are you?Male : 7       Female: 4

On average, how many films do you watch?1 a day: 0     1 a week: 8

1 a month: 2  Less than 1 a month: 0

What is your favourite genre of film?Fantasy:  3    Action:    1     Horror:  6

Thriller:   1     Comedy:  0      Other: 0

How old are you?

5-10yrs:  0     11-15yrs:  2 16-20yrs: 8

21-25yrs: 0   26-30yrs: 0   31+yrs: 1

Do you own any horror films?Yes:  10   No: 1

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Audience Research

I asked several of my peers what they expect when seeing a physchological thriller film, and here are their responses:

"I expect the atmosphere of a film in this genre to be quite dark, gloomy, mysterious. So that you never know what is coming round the corner. A setting which puts the audience on edge when they are watching the film."
-Hannah Emery
"To be thrilled. To be kept in suspense throughout the film which leads to a climatic sequence. It is important, however, not to reveal too much about the film. Keep the audience guessing."
- Abi Jones

"What I expect from a physchological thriller film is to be quite scared when watching the film. I expect it to convey fear through suggestion as opposed to through obvious monsters, as this plays on your mind more."
- Charlie Gower

"High-paced music which creates tension within the audience."
- Edward Stow
"I expect a reasonable amount of gore which is unsettling for the audience to watch. However, in many films which I have watched there are more references to gore, instead of it being blatant. I think that this would be more effective for your film."
- Jess Oxley
"I expect there to be a villain which is quite mysterious, and who has a motive for his actions. It should also be amed at a target audience of 18-30 year olds."
- Miranda Amess

Above are some key words which have been included in our audience research.