Wednesday 9 February 2011


Above is the questionnaire which I handed out to numerous people. This was to help us when creating our film to see what kind of people would want to see it. Here are the results:

What gender are you?Male : 7       Female: 4

On average, how many films do you watch?1 a day: 0     1 a week: 8

1 a month: 2  Less than 1 a month: 0

What is your favourite genre of film?Fantasy:  3    Action:    1     Horror:  6

Thriller:   1     Comedy:  0      Other: 0

How old are you?

5-10yrs:  0     11-15yrs:  2 16-20yrs: 8

21-25yrs: 0   26-30yrs: 0   31+yrs: 1

Do you own any horror films?Yes:  10   No: 1

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