Tuesday 3 May 2011

How does your product represent particular social groups (gender, age, ethnicity, class, religion)?

The character of Laverick is 31 years old. He used to be a successful millionaire, with a wife and two children, until a fire broke out in his mansion. The fire tore through his home, burning everything in it's path: including his wife, his children and his business. He was left with nothing. Consumed with revenge, Laverick believed the fire to be an arson attack, he began killing people mercilessly, who had any kind of connection to the fire. The back story of Laverick emphasises the divide between classes, the upper and the lower, even in this modern age, and it shows how easy it is for a person's life to be changed instantly within just a few minutes. For the age group that Laverick belongs too family is very important in modern society, and our film reflects this. When family is taken away people can react in terrible way, overrun by grief. Laverick's family was the most important thing to him, and through the acts of certain people, they died. Our film also shows that although alot of killers and muderers in this world are evil, they usually have had something happen to them in their life to make them act in such a horrible way.

There is one shot in our opening sequence of Laverick throwing a cross on the floor. The scene symbolises Laverick's loss of faith, and has been revealed from our audience research that it is very powerful. Laverick once believed in God and Christianity, but since the death of his wife and children his faith has been very neglected. This is representative of what can happen during one's life; although faith can be a good thing and give people hope, it can also make one think of why there is suffering in the world.

We took inspiration for our character from the film 'Saw'. The antagonist of the film is a man named 'Jigsaw', a man who commits numerous evil deeds over his life time. He puts people in terrible situations to test their will to survive. However, the character is not just a mindless killer. He was driver to his deeds, as revealed in the third film, due to the death of his unborn child by a robber. Ever since then, and his cancer, he has wanted to test people to see if they can pass his cruel tests. He is a very mysterious character, and nobody knows his true identity. He is extremely isolation from everyone else in society, which is very similar to Laverick. On the other hand, Jigsaw does not actually kill, he merely puts people in terrible situations and watches them die. This is unlike Laverick as Laverick actually commits his crimes.

Below is a picture of Jigsaw from the 'Saw' films.

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