Tuesday 3 May 2011

Who would be your audience for your film?

This is Jim Cowan, a twenty-five year old man. He lives in the capital of London, and is a lover of film and television. Ever since he was a child, Jim has known that he has wanted to go into the area of film as a career, and is currently studying Film Studies as a degree at University. He enjoys watching films for both leisure and also to analyse.

He enjoys a range of activites: being with friends, visiting the cinema, football, playing the guitar, surfing and playing video games. He finds a balance between having a good social life with his friends and also ensuring that he has time to catch up on the latest films. He tends to buy films, as opposed to renting them, as he likes to have them added into his collection.

His favourite genre of film is thriller. This is because enjoys watching a film which grasps his attention for the whole duration. Thriller films offer this experience, as you are constantly in a state of worry as to what is going to happen to the characters. Some of his favourite films in this genre include Saw, Paranormal Activity, Final Destination and The Crazies. However, he also enjoys films outside of this genre, like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Back To The Future. He has recently been to the cinema to see the new Scream 4 film, as he has followed the franchise for many years. Some of the music which he enjoys listening to are bands like Fall Out Boy and Lostprophets, both of which are rock bands.
Our film is targeted at people like Jim, as he is the most likely kind of person to see the film. However, it is important to remember when marketing not to focus too closely on one kind of person, as this can alienate other potential viewers and prevent them from seeing Branded.

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